STEREOLAB DISCOGRAPHY The First Of The Microbe Hunters (Elektra, 2000) Cobra & Phases Group Play Voltage... (Elektra Entertainment, 1999) Aluminum Tunes (Singles) (Drag City, 1998) Dots And Loops (Elektra Entertainment, 1997) Emperor Tomato Ketchup (Elektra Entertainment, 1996) Crumb Duck (United Dairies, 1996) The Groop Played "Space Age Bachelor Pad Music" (Too Pure, 1995) Refried Ectoplasm (Switched On Volume 2) (Drag City, 1995) Mars Audiac Quintet (Elektra Entertainment, 1994) Transient Random-Noise Bursts With Announcements (Elektra Entertainment, 1993) Peng! (Too Pure, 1992) Switched On Stereolab (Slumberland, 1992)